Where the heck did 2011 go???
For me, this year has been a rollercoaster of high and lows.
I can say that I am truly ending this year on a HIGH and I am so excited for what 2012 has in store.
We kicked 2011 off right by attending a UK game to watch our CATs at the legendary Rupp Arena.
KR took my to my favorite restaurant in Lex, Dudley's, for Valentines day.
Of course Bailey was my 2nd valentine. Love my bailey boy!
We also went to one of the best Country concerts that month.
Two names: Jason Aldean and Eric Church.
We watch the CATS dance their way into the final four...and KR did a little dancing of his own.
The whole town was on fire.

My bestie came to town to visit. This is the first time I saw her and could tell she was actually preggo with little Trigg.
Went to Vegas with KR and our friends Ron and Annie.
We stayed at the Aria resort and it was fabulous
All of the cirque du soleil shows were off the night we had planned to do a show. Poor planning on our part. However, we did get to see the Broadway production of The Lion King. And this gal may or may not have teared up on multiple occasions. I would see it a million times over. It was magical and reminded me of what a huge Disney kid I am at heart.

I attended my 5 year college reunion with all me fellow Transy peeps.
I started blogging!
KR and I attended the event Wig Out. Our friend Ron is on the board for this organization that raises money for cancer patients to provide them with wigs during chemo treatment.
Justin Moore came to town and we went to the concert with some of my favorite people in the world - Meg and JC.
KR traveled with the fam to Tennessee to meet my only Grandfather for the first time. It was a very special trip full of love and family.
It was on this trip that I knew I wanted to start blogging to capture all of the little moments in life.
Watched my friend Katie J marry the man of her dreams in a gorgeous ceremony here in Lexington
For memorial weekend we hit up the Legend's baseball game with some friends in the box KR scored for us.
We traveled to KR's hometown to watch his nephew graduate from high school.
Granny B came to visit the house for the first time
and I introduced her to my bloggy
Mama and Daddo came down to help us spruce up the house a little and tackle some needed painting
We also painted the 1/2 bathroom downstairs
I planted my first flowers in the backyard with my mama's green thumb
and got some knock-out rose bushes for the front landscaping
Celebrated my 27th birthday
Chopped my hair off
Celebrated 27 the right way with these gals
and then KR took my to Cincy for the weekend to celebrate as well
Mom and Dad came down and we celebrated their Wedding Anniversary.
I took the fam out to nice dinner and felt like a big girl picking up the tab. July
This was by far the toughest month out of the year. KR and I called it quits and I thought it was literally over for good. It was a very dark time for the both of us.
But, I pulled up my big girl panites up and tried to move forward
Bailey was was with me every step of the way and we moved into our new lil palace and started over.
I learned some handy-WO-man skills along the way
I spent a lot of time in July at home.
I always say there ain't nothing mama and daddy's house can't cure.
I went to my bestie's baby shower for Trigg
and we rediscovered the amazing gals i had in my life
I spent a lot of time doing this in my free time
I threw a bridal shower and bachelorette party for Miss Meg
And spent most of my weekends with the gals.
My bestie's nephew came into the world late August.
Little Magnus
Baby brother's football season started which meant Saturday afternoons were spent at the stadium
I watched Megs marry my long time friend Justin.
You can read all about it here
Baby brother turned 21
I took the day off work so I could celebrate with him and his friends.
Baby Trigg came into my life
I took a much needed girls trip to sunny Marco Island
KR and I realized we couldn't live another day without each other and decided to try and rebuild.
I hit up the track at keeneland and made some bets on the ponnies
Baby Magnus and Trigg made their Lexington debut
I spent Saturdays tailgating with the fam and watching baby brother
And then baby brother had a battle of injuries
We had our first trick or treaters at the house and the doggies loved every minute of it.
and i spent my halloween night in the emergency room with baby brother because of this
Kev and I kept moving forward full steam ahead :-)
I took my Mama to the Lady A concert
We went to the Boots Brew & Bourbon event with some new and old friends
The fam came down and spent Thanksgiving with me and Bailey in the palace
Kr and I spent most of the month in full Christmas mode.
We bought our first real tree together for his house
I changed my hair...again
We attended Ron's Christmas party that was one of the most fun parties we went to all year

I went home for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to be with the fam.
Ain't no place like home.
It was a year full of growth and blessings.
I am not a big New Year's resolution person, but I do love a fresh start every January.
I cant wait to see what 2012 brings.
I have a feeling it is going to be a GREAT year!
Happy New Year Ladies!