So this past summer I whacked my hair off. I haven't missed my long locks at all until now. I have been having major pony tail withdrawals, but my short hairdo is super quick and pretty easy. However, I feel like it does require a lot of heat for good stylin...which I am not a huge fan of. I also notice that I have to wash my hair much more often. I confess...when my hair was long I only washed it once or twice a week. It was heaven.
So while time is the bigger factor in getting my lockes back, I think I am ready for a change in color.
I am a brassy brown naturally, but this gal has been coloring her hair since I can remember. I am a firm believer in changing up your look. I mean, if you hate it, you can always go back. I am really considering going back really dark...almost black. Similar to the photos in my blog header. I don't know why, but when I look at pics and my hair is that really dark ebony color I love it. I almost feel exotic lol.
I have a hair appt in another week or so and broke out some older pics of past hairdos. See what you all think. What's your choice on hair color????
This is me pre swoop bangs. I have to HAVE bangs. I have what Tyra Banks calls a 5 finger forehead. The thing is huge. I guess i can think my daddy for that one. The color here was brown with some auburn shades added. It was soooo nappy long and was in desperate need for some layers
Here was the first dose I had of loving my hair really dark. It was shorter and looked much healthier
And then I cut it a little above my shoulders and did the "flip out on the end" thing...not my fave, but like the dark color
Really dark....but stick straight. I am a way too pale in this pic too.I think this was right after i got the boobies "the girls" done and I had been locked up in the house for far too long on bedrest with no sun or spray tan.
This one may look familiar....I actually like my hair this length and this color. I remember being able to do a lot with it at this stage in the game.
Color was dark here and I added more swoopy bangs
Please excuse the nappy mess in this photo...just wanted to use because this was the darkest my hair had ever been. Too dark? Whatcha think?
oh and then there were the weaves! aka big Roxxxy and lil Roxxy. Roxxy was the closest thing to a stripper name I could think of. because when i wear big roxxxy i feel like I have stripper hair. which may be a good or bad thing haha. My gal pal took this pic in vegas...I mean where else is the white girl supposed to hang her hair piece.
Dark hair with weave...clearly
Weave, Weave, and MORE WEAVE...but can i confess i SECRETLY loved every second of it. I didnt care if it totally had that "too long" look. I loved it because no matter how long my hair gets, it is sooo Über fine. It would never have this much thickness or body if I let it grow till the end of time. Awww, roxxy I miss you.
Then one day....i got bangs. everyone loved my swoopy bangs vs. straigh across bangs...even my hairdresser. But the truth was straight across bangs were EASY PEASY...and i always got soo ticked at swoopy bangs when they become piecey by the end of the night. Drives me crazzzy. But overall, the bangs + big Roxxxy = way too much hair going on.
Bangs below, but au naturale me and no roxxxy in sight
Bangs with little roxxxy
Then the chop...that happened last summer. I got rid of the black/super dark hair color and went for some auborn highlights and chocalate undertones. It was a healthy and nice change.
And then i went even shorter and channeled my inner Rhianna and went asymetrical and added more red. It was summer time and I was feeling a lil sassy. I have been rocking my assymetral look until about 3 weeks ago.
I recently decieded to forgo the asymetrical look and cut all the same length. I am indesperate need for color, but wanted to wait until closer to Christams. Girlfriend has christmas parties and such to attend ya know.
It is the shortest my hair has been in YEARS and YEARS...since like middle school. I am still adjusting to it and it has been a good change, but lately I am missing my long hair.
So what do you think about the color? keep the red tints or go dark again? or something totally different? I am totally open to anything.
Thanks gals!!!