Height: 23.25 inches
you are growing like such a big girl and it makes momma and daddy so happy
you are growing like such a big girl and it makes momma and daddy so happy
Nicknames : Livi, Liv, Olive, Livy J, zarbles, zarbee, the littlest, my little, gummybear, nana's sweet peapod, my sweets, olive Jeanette, my little bear, sweet bear, gummy, sweet baby, sweet girl
Eating: exclusively breastfed via bottle. livi you are such a good eater. currently taking 4.5-5 ounces each feeding. you usually eat every three hours starting at 7. you also wake up once at night to feed around 230-3. we are working on stretching that out. momma is still exclusively pumping about 7-8 times a day and producing around 60 ounces for you. exclusively pumping is the hardest thing I have ever done, but you are so worth it. we have quite the supply stashed away in the fridge and mommy wants to give you the goods as long as I can.
Clothing: you could only wear a handful of your newborn clothes at the beginning of the month. You are currently wearing 0-3 months. some of your 0-3 month clothes are almost too short for you already. you can actually wear some 3-6 month stuff for length. you are growing like a little weed. you spend most of your days in zipper sleepers. at night you wear a long sleeve onesie with a swaddlme wrap or halo sleep sack with your arms swaddled in.
Diapers: you have graduated to size 1 diapers. they are still a little on the big side for you first started wearing them, but you were too big for your newborn ones and were having blowouts up your back almost daily. we have solved that problem.
Sleep: you were sleeping in your rock n play next to momma and daddy's bed on my side of the bed till you were 7 weeks old and we then switched you to the pack n play. you were getting too long for the rock n play and seemed to like being able to stretch out. we usually get you to bed between 830-930 and you will sleep till 2/230am. you will wake up to eat and usually go back to sleep until 630/7.
You nap like a champ in the mornings, but the afternoons are a little harder to predict. you love sleeping in your swing and also immediately fall asleep in your car seat in the car. it doesn't bother you one bit. you also like to cuddle with mommy during the day...sometimes we sneak a lil napsie in the bed together with you on my chest.
toward the end of the month your daytime naps were right on point, however we fell apart around week 6.5-7 and you were waking up at 1230 and 330 and sometimes again at 5....it was rough. we are slowly getting back on track and have tried moving your bedtime up a little a bit. we are doing a combination of babywise and moms on call and hopefully you will get it down soon enough. I have to remind myself you have only been in this world for 8 weeks.
toward the end of the month your daytime naps were right on point, however we fell apart around week 6.5-7 and you were waking up at 1230 and 330 and sometimes again at 5....it was rough. we are slowly getting back on track and have tried moving your bedtime up a little a bit. we are doing a combination of babywise and moms on call and hopefully you will get it down soon enough. I have to remind myself you have only been in this world for 8 weeks.
Health : your newborn rash is gone. you still have your little "angel kiss" above your left eye and your "stork bite" on the back of your neck above your hairline.
you seemed to have been a little colicky weeks 4-6, but that seems to be much better now that momma has you on a great feed, wake, sleep cycle during the day. at the beginning of the month you struggled with gas and tummy issues, but gas drops and gripe water seem to be doing the trick. you are also getting easier to burp, which was super hard for us last month.
Baby Gear Must Haves: 4moms breezeyard (pack n play) Dr. Browns bottles, Rock n play, Swing, Mamaroo, MAM pacifiers, boppy, SwaddleMe blankets, Aiden and Anais swaddle blankets, anything with a mirror, Puj bathtub,
gerber cloth diapers ( we use these as burp cloths), tummy time wedge and play mat, fisher price play mat, anything with lights and music, Fischer price bouncy seat, rattles, anything that dangles from car seat or mobile for you to practice grabbing/reaching
Likes: when you are fussy you love, love, LOVE your bouncy seat and the birds on the mobile (especially the pink one on the left), you also love to lay on mommy and daddy's chest or have your stomach pressed against us any way you can. you love looking in any mirror. it amazes you. you also continue to love bath time. the faces you make during your bath are priceless. you love making faces with mommy and daddy and you loved being talked to.
Dislikes: waking up hungry, you also fight being tired and needing a nap in the afternoon, you hate waiting for a bottle to be warmed and really that is about it. you are such a good baby. Tummy time lasting more than 5 minutes.
Mommy: mommy is adjusting better and better. weight is holding steady and momma needs to loose about ten pounds to get to pre-pregnancy weight. however, it is super hard when she eats like a horse due to breastfeeding. I am not stressing over it and will settle back into the workout grind soon. mommas also struggles with doing things for herself during the day and routine even though you are on a great schedule. Mommy's scandal binge watching may have something to do with that too lol. mommy had her follow up appointment with doctor and is cleared to start working out again.
Mommy is happy to report she is showering regularly while Daddy is away at work and also getting you ready and out of the house regularly on her own. That was a big accomplishment at the beginning of this month. It may take me three hours, but who is counting. Mommy does miss daddy during the day and gets lonely on some days. I am trying to soak up every second with you and remind myself maternity leave doesn't last forever. Mommy and Daddy have a great work plan in place for me though. I plan to go back to work 2 days a week and will also keep my one weekend a month. I feel like it will be the right balance for me and you, my sweet girl.
When your sleep regressed toward the end of the month, momma experienced a lot of anxiety and stress that she thinks is mostly attributed to lack of sleep. Nobody said raising a tiny human was a cakewalk, but we love you so so much.
When your sleep regressed toward the end of the month, momma experienced a lot of anxiety and stress that she thinks is mostly attributed to lack of sleep. Nobody said raising a tiny human was a cakewalk, but we love you so so much.
Daddy: Daddy is a trooper! He wakes up with momma every night to feed you while momma has to pump. Daddy amazes me at all he can do....I have to brag on him and that he gets up every morning at 530a for work and works all day and comes home ready to help me and give me a break. I appreciate him and love him for it more than I every thought was possible
Daddy is doing great at calming you down and actually is the baby whisperer to get you to go to sleep at night.
Daddy is doing great at calming you down and actually is the baby whisperer to get you to go to sleep at night.
Pups: Uggie continues to be so curious about Olivia. She loves to sneak and lick her fingers and toes and tries to get her cheeks. Bailey will occasionally sniff her and completely minds his business.
Social/Visitors: Your nana and poppy and uncle Charlie/aunt britty continue to be our most frequent visitors and mommy and daddy aren't complaining. Also this month you were visited by Aunt Dana and Uncle Chris, Dawn, The Nomadys, The Hilliards,
Megan, Julia, The Whisenant family and Jenni.
You don't mind being held by other people, but you like to be held upright with your stomach pressed to peoples chest or held on one shoulder so you can see the world. Nana can get you to smile almost as good as mommy and daddy.
Outings: mommy and daddy took you out to eat for the first time solo (which means without nana) to Flipdaddy's and brunch at First Watch in the same weekend. your first pumpkin patch, solo errand days with mommy. Mommy takes you out at least every other day or third day to run errands. We usually start with a trip to Starbucks followed by one of the following or a combination of hobby lobby, target, Kroger, babies r us, crestview town center. you are turning into mommy's favorite shopping buddy.
Nana and mommy took you on your first big shopping trip to Kenwood mall and introduced you to Nordstrom. you were a champ.
Megan, Julia, The Whisenant family and Jenni.
You don't mind being held by other people, but you like to be held upright with your stomach pressed to peoples chest or held on one shoulder so you can see the world. Nana can get you to smile almost as good as mommy and daddy.
Nana and mommy took you on your first big shopping trip to Kenwood mall and introduced you to Nordstrom. you were a champ.
Life: our new routine is slowly becoming our new normal. mommy is getting much more comfy taking care of you while daddy is at work during the week. nana is usually here almost every weekend to give us a little break and allow mom and dad some one on time and to catch up on sleep.
Milestones: recognizing faces and voices, noticing your hands, reaching for dangling objects, holding your head up more and more and having more head control, reaching for toys, holding toys in hand, smiling and cooing....it's my favorite
Dear sweet Olivia - I didn't think it was possible for you to steal any more of my heart, but you have. This month was so special as you were more and more alert and I felt as though you knew I was your mommy. Sometimes I felt that you could see through me and straight into my soul and that you knew how much I loved you. You are beautiful! and also such a happy baby. Your daddy and I fall more in love with you every single day. Thank you for being our daughter ....you are absolutely perfect in every way possible.
Dear sweet Olivia - I didn't think it was possible for you to steal any more of my heart, but you have. This month was so special as you were more and more alert and I felt as though you knew I was your mommy. Sometimes I felt that you could see through me and straight into my soul and that you knew how much I loved you. You are beautiful! and also such a happy baby. Your daddy and I fall more in love with you every single day. Thank you for being our daughter ....you are absolutely perfect in every way possible.
1 comment:
Trong cuộc sống công nghệ 4.0 hiện nay điều gì chúng ta cũng dễ dàng tìm thấy trong vài giây chỉ bằng những thao tác nhỏ. Tuy nhiên để tìm hiểu được thông tin hữu ích mà muốn cần thì lại rất cần chọn lọc thì không phải dễ dàng. Vậy nên,khi bạn đang thắc mắc hay cần thao khảo thêm về bảng hiệu alu thì đừng bỏ sót chi tiết nào cho bài đọc của tôi hôm nay nhé!
-Bảng hiệu alu là gì? Đây là câu hỏi đầu tiên mà bạn phải biết được câu trả lời khi bước vào tìm hiểu về bảng hiệu quảng cáo. Đây là một loại bảng hiệu quảng cáo ưu dùng hiện nay và đặc biệt thu hút với các doanh nghiệp cũng như các công ty nhỏ và lẻ,đơn giản bảng hiệu alu đáp ứng được các điều cơ bản mà các khách hàng cần thiết như sự tinh tế,bền vững, và yếu tố thẩm mỹ, giá thành lại cực kì hợp lý. Bẳng hiệu quảng cáo là cách PR ,maketing truyền thống mà hiệu quả nhất từ trước đến nay vậy nên những bảng hiệu có ý tưởng độc đáo giúp khâchs hàng kích thích sự tò mò sâu sắc tới doanh nghiệp.
bảng hiệu aluminium
làm biển hiệu quảng cáo
làm bảng hiệu quảng cáo
chữ nổi alu
bang hieu quang cao
thi công bảng hiệu quảng cáo
làm biển quảng cáo led
làm bảng hiệu inox
Bảng hiệu alu là một bảng hiệu quảng cáo sự dụng chất liệu chính là hợp kim mang tên đầy đủ là Aluminium. Chất liệu của alu chủ yếu là hợp kim nhôm vì vậy nên rất nhẹ và mang tính thẩm mĩ cao. kết cấu của bảng hiệu alu thường rất chắc chắn được gia công tỉ mỉ giúp nâng cao tuổi thọ của bảng quảng cáo có nhiều ưu đểm nổi bật nhu sau:
Về mặt hình thức, bảng hiệu alu đảm bảo yêu cầu về màu sắc của sản phẩm, khách hàng có thể thoải mái lựa chọn hình dáng và kích thước phù hợp giúp tăng thêm sự hài hào và yêu cầu của khách hàng.
Về thi công, bảng hiệu alu thi công hỗ trợ có thể rát dễ dàng,các thao ác của nhân viên được nhanh chóng thực hiện, tiếp kiệm chi phí thời gian cũng như chi phí cho khách hàng.Trong quá trình thi công khả năng củ alu là mềm và dẻo nên dễ dàng tạo ra được hình ảnh ấn tượng với người nhìn.
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Website: quangcaodaiphathcm.com
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