When I read Steph's post last week I immediately thought - i love this!!!! and then she announced there would be a link up and I knew I had to jump on the bandwagon. So last Sunday I literally had to set an alarm every hour on my phone, or my flighty mind would totally forget to snap a photo....and every hour I grabbed my phone and snapped away.
Not gonna lie, I really enjoyed it. It was fun to remember the little details of the day, and I could totally see myself doing this from time to time. There was nothing particularly special about last Sunday, just your average lazy weekend day....here is how it looked for us.
6:50 am wake up call thanks to Mr. Bailey who needed a potty break. He immediately ran and jumped right back in bed. BTW - this is our dog bedding....i promise we have acceptable/pretty bedding, too :-)
First things first in our house in the mornings....coffee!
I did a little Sunday morning cleaning before church. I get a little OCD about my floors.
Breakfast time for the puppies. Look at hubs in his star trek robe. I secretly love it!
Sunday selfie and OOTD before church
12:00pm - church time. lots of people getting an extra cup of joe before and after service. can't complain about free coffee. we were blessed with an amazing service
met up with one of my college gal pals after church. we had a quick lunch at panera and came back the house to visit. it was the first time she had seen the new house and was so much fun.
yummmy girl scout cookies. get them away from me cause i can't stop!
finally updated my 2013 planner. found this cute one at tarjay for ten bucks. i love how big it is.
bundled up in layers and layers of clothing and took the doggies out to play in the snow
we watched a little television and did some leisure reading. Jillian Michaels for me......science fiction stuff for Kev.
Homemade turkey chili for dinner.....yum yum.
I worked on adding new frames, decor and photos in our bedroom. It had been put off for far too long.
Turned on The Grammys and watched Queen B and her hubby's steamy duet. I must confess that I am a huge Bey and JayZ fan, but this was almost a little too hot and borderline uncomfortable for me to watch. I liked it when he came out, I thought it became more more playful.
Ending the day with books in bed and cuddles with the puppies. We usually get in bed around 930 through the week and lights out by 10 together....and you will hear no complaints from me about going to bed early.
So there you have it....my day summed up in iphone photos.
Excited that tomorrow is Friday and today is my last day of the work week. win win!!!
i can't help it I love the dogs the best, instant bed heaters. I also snagged a similar planner for Tarjay and its fantastic!
Ahh give me all the girlscouts cookies!!!
Awwww your pups are too cute!
I love that you did this! I managed about 6 pictures! I should have set an alarm :D
This was so cute! You are one busy woman... my Sunday's look waaaay different ;) Lazy? Why yes I am! I kinda want to do this too!!
Where did you get the tall dog bowl. I need this desperatly!
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