Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Bump Update Week 22-23

Due Date: Sept 1st

Baby Size Gender: IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!

Movement: yesssssss. no more flutters....these are straight up kicks. She's super active first thing in the mornings, after I eat lunch, when I get home from work and sit down around 4-430pm and at night when I am getting ready to go to bed around 930-1000pm.

Feeling: i am feeling great!! not working out like i want to, but my energy is high. The past two weeks have been the best I have felt this whole pregnancy. It's like my energy is building and building. I hope it lasts.

Food Cravings: Fresh Fruit! This week I can't keep my hands off of blackberries. I can sit down and eat a whole carton in one sitting. Gummies - all the bad for you gummies - gummy bears, gummy worms, swedish fish. Kev gives me the stink eye every time I grab a bag at the grocery. Also Fro-yo. Orange Leaf hooked me up on mother's day...8 ounces free! Holllla!

Food Aversions:
still not too partial to grilled chicken, fish hasn't really been tickling my fancy either

Clothes: maternity jeans, pre-maternity leggins and pre-maternity long tees and tanks. at work i can still fit into regular scrubs but did buy some stretchy maternity shirts mostly for length because i am constantly moving around, squatting down and bending over. I bought a size up in my lululemon yoga pants and they fit perfectly. The Wunder Under capris and roll down pants are perfect for my growing bump. The biggest challenge for me is that I dont like tight pants or shorts on my belly...can't.stand.it! As the weather has started to warm up I have been breaking out last year's maxi dresses and they all are fitting so far.

Stretch Marks: nope!!! lathering up with bert's bee mama bee lotion and bio oil. however, the lack of working out has led to some nasty cellulite on the back of my legs. i can't even talk about bathing suit season.

Sleep: oh yes and it is glorious. i am averaging about 8-9 hours a night easily. I have been waking up 1-2x to go use the bathroom...depends on how much water I chug before bedtime. My hips have been starting to get sore and I have to alternate from my left side to the right on my body pillow. That pillow has been a life saver!

Symptoms: feeling so energized, no signs of nausea, some round ligament paint - especially when I have overdid it at work. this week more pubic bone pain if I have done a lot of bending over. my face went kinda crazy this week...just some breakouts and my skin tone is a getting a little more uneven unfortunately.

What I Miss: Working out, BEER BEER and BEER. A cold IPA has never sounded better. I also miss runny eggs and raw sushi.

Things that aren't my favorite: feeling frumpy, cellulite...ewwwwwwww. not being able to have a cold beer or glass of wine with Kev on the back deck. Sweet tea in a mason jar or water with lemon will just have to do this summer.

Best and Most Memorable Moments this week 

Week 22
*Purchasing all her nursery furniture
*Celebrating Britany's birthday and her family being in town from California
*My brother's face when he saw my bump after not seeing me for about a week and a half
*Finally "poppin"and actually having a baby bump
*sleeping in the living room on the pallet again...bailey boy had to have a small surgery and isnt allowed to jump on the bed for two weeks.

Week 23
*mother's day- this will get it's own post. Kev spoiled me rotten and made me feel so so special
*planting all our spring flowers
*telling our neighbors we are expecting and them noticing my bump
*getting the baby furniture delivered and entering full on nesting mode
*getting super excited for our upcoming baby moon at the end of the month 

22 weeks 3 days 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Bump update: Weeks 20-21

Due Date: Sept 1st 

Baby Size Gender: IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!

Movement: yesssssss. no more flutters....these are straight up kicks. Kev felt baby girl kick for the first time during week 20. it was super special.

Feeling: i am feeling great!! not working out like i want to, but my energy is high 

Food Cravings: anything sweet, fresh veggies and ranch dip, salads from the whole foods bar, fruit, and steak 

Food Aversions: 
still not to partial to grilled chicken

Clothes: maternity jeans, pre-maternity leggins and long tees and tanks. at work i can still fit into regular scrubs but did buy some stretchy maternity shirts mostly for length because i am constantly moving around, squatting down and bending over. after work you can find me in my soft Victoria's Secret cotton jammies. i have started to wear holes in them....oopsie 

Stretch Marks: nope!!! lathering up with bert's bee mama bee lotion and bio oil 

Sleep: oh yes and it is glorious. i am averaging about 8-9 hours a night easily 

Symptoms: feeling so energized, no signs of nausea, some round ligament paint - especially when I have overdid it at work 

What I Miss: BEER BEER and BEER. A cold IPA has never sounded better. Kev and I did stumble upon an amazing German non-alcoholic beer that totally hit the spot for me. I never thought I would miss alcohol like I do. Mocktails have been my friend at restaurants. I also miss runny eggs and raw sushi. 

Things that aren't my favorite:  feeling frumpy and fat even though i have only gained about 8 pounds. it's just been weird for me emotionally to let go of "my" body image of what i think i should look like. I am truly trying to embrace every ounce, but this muffin top thing is still hard to get used to. I feel like I am at the stage where sometimes I look pregnant and sometimes I look like I had too many doughnuts.  

Best Moments: 
*Kev feeling baby girl kick. I have been feeling flutters and kicks for a couple of weeks, but the first time he felt her was so special to me.
*Our 20 week ultrasound going perfect and seeing all her tiny organs. 
*Deciding on a first name for our sweet Girl

Memorable Moments This Week: 
*The look on Kev's face the first time he really felt her move. Priceless! 
*picking out things for the nursery and shopping for baby girl
*going a little crazy on ETSY while kev was away on work 
*the crazy Lilly for Target sale..the sweetest lady gave me two pairs of shorts for baby girl that I purchased. they were completely sold out by the time I arrived and she handed them to me as I was getting ready to leave and told me my little girl should have them. 

20weeks3 days


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