Last week one of my favorite country bands, Little Big Town, stopped by The Tin Roof in Lexington for a one of a kind show. Did I mention it was free?!?!
Free also meant that we had to get there super early. This gal had a four day weekend lined up and ended up only having to work a 1/2 day the day LBT stopped by. The word on the street was that people had been lined up at the doors that day since 7am. Say what?!?!
Well you know this country gal was on a mission to get up close and personal with the band.
Sooooo this cutie and I took matters into our own hands and posted up at a table by 2pm. True story!
Our peeps joined us soon after and thankfully so because we barely got them in before they shut the place down and allowed no more fans inside the building. It was jam packed.
You know my fellow country gal and bestie, Miss Megan, was there with bells on.
And you know because we love us some country music, we climbed on the windowsill, shook our booties, got threatened to be thrown off of that windowsill by some grouchy redneck woman, stood our ground, and crooned with the band the entire hour they played.
(sheesh - rednecks are nutso. when my inner redneck came out - girlfran backed off. didn't she know she wasn't the only one there that was raised in a holler?!? but laawwws me, some people need to just stay home in their holler. ahem ahem)
Little Big Town was PERFECTION. I fell in love with their music all over again. I have always been a fan, but hearing boondocks live was pretty darn cool in my book.
Can we talk about how hot Karen Fairchild is??! (she's the brunette) And OMG is she teeny tiny. Her hubby (in the green) isn't too shabby himself.
After LBT's performance, we continued the fun and made a night out of it to say the least. There was another local act playing who was super entertaining (Jordan English) and we ended up dancing the night away with all of our friends.
It was just a fun night overall. That kind of night you start non-stop group text-messaging the next morning about all the shenanigans that went on. KR and I are so blessed with such great friendships in Lexington.